Saturday, 5 December 2015

November 100 Club Winners

£50 no. 46 Dilys Rees
£30 no. 54 Gaynor Griffith
£20 no. 70 Islwyn Jones
£15 no. 67 Margaret Williams
£10 no. 55 Jane Brooks

There will be an additional £100 paid out in the December draw to take place at the Choir Christmas Dinner at Caerwys Golf Club on Sat 19th December

Saturday, 21 November 2015

New Musical Director wanted

Due to ill health we are urgently looking for a new Musical Director to be appointed from January. We want someone who can inspire, coach and develop the singing abilities of our choristers.
The successful candidate should preferably have experience of male voice choirs but someone wishing to gain and develop experience would be considered.
A prime quality would be to be able to make rehearsals and concerts both enjoyable and challenging.
This is an exciting opportunity to continue the development of the choir and its repertoire.
An honorarium to cover travel and other expenses will be paid.
Please email all enquiries/applications to
Yn Eisiau - Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd newydd

Oherwydd salwch yr ydym yn edrych ar frys ar gyfer Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd newydd gael ei benodi o fis Ionawr. Rydym am i rywun sy'n gallu ysbrydoli, hyfforddwr a datblygu'r galluoedd canu ein cantorion.

Yn ddelfrydol Dylai'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus feddu ar brofiad o gorau meibion, ond rhywun sydd am ennill a datblygu Byddai profiad yn cael ei ystyried.
Byddai ansawdd prif fydd yn gallu gwneud ymarferion a chyngherddau yn bleserus a heriol.
Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i barhau datblygiad y côr a'i repertoire.
Honorariwm i dalu am deithio a bydd dreuliau eraill yn cael eu talu.

Anfonwch e-bost pob ymholiadau / ceisiadau i

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

After a lot of hassle with passwords and accounts, the blog is back !!!

Fist up is the concert and visit from Stevenage Ladies Choir this Saturday's (23rd May 2015)

Tickets @ £5 are still available for the concert at St.Michael's Church at 7.30pm

Closely followed on by a concert at St John's Church 53 Mostyn Street  Llandudno at 8.00pm

Congratulations to our latest 100 club winners

April  Draw

£50 - no. 6 Arthur Pierce
£30 - no. 12 John Arfon Davies
£20 - no. 69 Gareth Wynne
£15 - no. 57 Enys Evans
£10 - no. 5 Tim Erasmus
£10 rolled over